Sunday, February 21, 2016

Transformation of Processes

Processes are the set activities involved to be performed in a pre-planned order by the authorized entities. Processes provide checks and controls to ensure the activities are performed in the specified timeframe. Any well-designed process will help to improve quality of the services (QoS) and effective flow of information. Processes form the backbone of any system

e-Dhara Land Records Management System is designed on the basis of transformation manual process for maintaining & updating land records across the state.

Manual process (followed in pre implementation stage) and computerized process (followed in post e-Dhara implementation) are discussed as below. It provides an insight into value addition done to improve quality of services provided to citizens.

Land records system provides services to farmers through the issue of Saat Barah (VF7/12), account information VF8A and Mutation entry - transfer of right over land under different categories. The following two major processes formed the backbone of the land record system.

(A) ROR issuance process 
(B) Mutation Process

Objectives of e-Dhara System

The primary objective of Computerisation of Land Record Project was to achieve Complete Computerisation of Land Records across the state. Elimination of Manual Records, computer controlled mutation process and self sustainability are the leading objectives of e-Dhara system.

Other objectives of the system include :

  • Visible improvement in quality of services provided to citizens
  • Allowing farmers / citizens easy access to their records
  • Infuse transparency in providing the services to citizens
  • Ease of administration
  • Facilitating easy maintenance
  • Prompt updation of land records
  • Making land records tamper proof
  • Reduction in service delivery time i.e. to speed up delivery of ROR without delays, harassment or bribery.
  • Platform for providing more citizen centric services
  • Ensuring self-sustainability of the system

Computerisation of Land Records - eDhara

Land records are being maintained for various purposes including levy and collection of various taxes and land revenue, which was the principal source of revenue for the states. Cadastral survey was completed in the year 1960 for the entire state. This survey served as the basis of the land records. Transfer and changeover take place over lands due to Sale, Inheritance, Hier, and Distribution etc.. These changeovers are considered as mutations are brought in records by way of updating the land records manually by Talati at the Village.

"The Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879” is the governing law for land Records in the State. Requisite changes and amendments have been effected in the Code from time to time. This Land Revenue code is uniform across Gujarat

The importance of instant availability of these land records has become significant in this era of development. Record of Rights (RoR) is maintained, updated and is needed for various purposes such as - for obtaining crop loans, hypothecation of land, getting electricity connection, subsidies etc. Land records are updated with crop data every season and this information is used for various analysis purposes. Land records also form the basis to carry out mutations such as changes in ownership title due to inheritance, sale, acquisition, inheritance etc.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

e-Dhara – Computerize Land records

Name of the project: e-Dhara
Department under which the project was taken: Revenue Department, Government of Gujarat

To enable access and maintenance of Village Land Records in an Easy, Transparent and Secure manner.


  • To convert physical Village Land Records into Electronic records.
  • To automate maintenance and updation of Village Land Records in a secure manner.
  • To set up e-Dhara Kendras (e-DKs) for accessing and updating of Land Records in a scalable manner
  • To charge user fee for self sustainable structure.

Project Description:

After digitizing all land records, e-Dhara Kendras(e-DK) have been setup at Taluka Mamlatdar offices to take up day to day activities of land records such as mutations and issue of Record of Rights (RoR).  Workflow based software (BhuLekh Soft) has been implemented since 2004-2005.